Happy New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choi! As we welcome 2025, we're excited to celebrate not just the start of a new calendar year, but also the approach of the Lunar New Year. It’s a time of fresh beginnings, renewed energy and sharing with others.
Thank you for your support in helping our San Francisco community.
How We Celebrated the Season

Holiday Party & Graduate Celebration

Last month, we celebrated the season with a festive holiday party that brought our community together. Graduates from our culinary and bartending programs prepared and served delicious food and drinks, adding a special touch to the event. Inspiring words were shared by our Executive Director, Ashley Cheng, and Board President, Dr. Dennis Chew, followed by a delightful holiday performance by one of our staff members, Jason Brock. Thank you to everyone who joined us -- you made it a night to remember!
Christmas Tree Stand Building & Giveaway

In December, we partnered with local organizations to spread holiday cheer through our annual Christmas tree giveaway. Together, we provided beautiful trees to families in need, helping to brighten homes and hearts for the season. The event was a wonderful display of community spirit, with volunteers and partners coming together to make the holidays special for so many. Thank you to everyone who helped bring joy to our neighbors—it’s a tradition we plan to continue in the years to come!

Gifts Giveaway for Kids

We also gave gifts out to children at Gordon J. Lau Elementary School this year with our very own Chef Ira as Santa! The teachers selected the gifts specifically for their students and they were truly delighted getting their presents.

Community Outreach

Connecting with the community is a very important part of what we do at CCSC. Outreach allows us to spread awareness of our services and connect with other community-based organizations. Last month we participated in quite a few events -- one of them was the SECC (Southeast Community Center) Health Fair (pictured above).
This month you can find us at the events listed below. Please stop by if you can, or refer clients if the event suits their needs!
January 10 from 10 am - 1 pm @ Hamilton Recreation Center
CityBuild Academy
Construction Career Opportunities

Are you a San Francisco resident interested in a career in the construction industry? CityBuild Academy (CBA) can help you take that first step! We recommend attending one of our informative orientations, available both online and in-person, to learn more about CBA, the opportunities available, and the application process. Take advantage of these opportunities to kickstart your journey into a construction career with CityBuild Academy!

Our Youth Programs This Year

This year, we are happy to say that our youth programs made a significant impact on many young lives in San Francisco. Here are some highlights:
We served over 100 PK-5th grade students through our tutoring program.
Our summer camp hosted 80 elementary school students over the course of the 8 week program, and supported the leadership development of over 30 camp counselors.
Our FIT (Family in Transition) program fostered a sense of belonging for 20 students -- and we look forward to expanding our services to include more English support/tutoring for the newly immigrated.
During summer camp, we visited places like the Golden Gate Park, the San Francisco Zoo (thank you SF Zoo for your support!) and the movie theater.
If your organization would like to provide programming for our students, please contact us at fit@sfccsc.org.

Culinary Classes Open for Enrollment

Our classes in cooking, bartending/barista and hospitality are open for enrollment! No prior industry experience is necessary. Get more information on our job training and placement programs in the information flyer below. If you know someone who is interested in signing up, please use our interest form.
Community Events

San Francisco’s Chinese New Year opening ceremony is a blast of color, sound, and culture! Although full details haven’t been announced, you can expect to see lion and dragon dancers bringing the energy with their epic moves, drums and cymbals booming and firecrackers popping to chase away bad energy and welcome good luck for the year of the snake. This is a must-see celebration you won’t want to miss! The event is on Chinese New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 29. More details here.
Make a Contribution

Since 1983, we have helped thousands of youths, adults, and their families by giving them an opportunity to change their lives. We are empowering underserved and underprivileged communities to become self-sufficient through education, training, mentoring, case management, and job placement.
With your help, CCSC is able to continue to nurture and enrich the lives of the residents of San Francisco. Your generosity and support can make all the difference. Please donate today!
